Open door to a coworking space, blurred silhouettes of people during a hackathon

Cripto Bahia

Hackathon School

Preparing the Brightest Minds for Competitions in ​Web3 and Emerging Technologies

Closeup on Hands Combining Puzzle Pieces Together

Introduction to Hackathon School

The Hackathon School is a collection of ​high-performance groups, representing ​CriptoBahia in the most prestigious ​technological competitions.

Cripto Bahia

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Yin-yang symbol, fire and ice background


Just like athletic clubs prepare elite ​athletes, the Hackathon School develops ​exceptional talents in web3 and other ​emerging technologies, maintaining ​multidimensional teams.

Cripto Bahia

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Group dynamics


We are a combination of dedicated and ​creative groups, working together to ​achieve excellence in hackathons.

Cripto Bahia

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Manager Mentoring Trainee


More experienced members of the ​Hackathon School act as mentors to the ​younger ones, guiding and inspiring the ​competitors

Cripto Bahia

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Colleagues Working Together

Method and Onboarding

Our method includes integrating new talents ​through study groups and support, preparing ​them to join the high-performance teams of ​the Hackathon School.

Cripto Bahia

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Search for talent or looking for employee

Invitation to New Talents

We invite technology enthusiasts and ​aspirants from Bahia to join our study group ​and explore the possibility of becoming part of ​the School.

Cripto Bahia

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Colleagues Studying a Project Proposal

Commitment and Innovation at CriptoBahia

This is the Hackathon School of CriptoBahia. ​We remain committed to excellence and the ​development of talents in emerging ​technologies.

Cripto Bahia

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Colleagues Studying a Project Proposal

TEAM Cripto Bahia

Alan Silva - PhD in Education

Strategy and Operations Leader .

Alan is the strategic foundation of ​CriptoBahia, coordinating operations ​and ensuring that the community's ​goals are effectively achieved.

Luciana Souza Planning Leader. ​Luciana is the driving force ​behind strategic planning, ​ensuring that all projects and ​events are executed in an ​organized and efficient manner.

Cripto Bahia

Lavínia PamponetMarketing ​and Design Leader Lavínia ​brings creativity and ​innovation to the team, leading ​marketing and design ​strategies to extend the reach ​and impact of CriptoBahia.

Felipe Lemos Regenerative Sports ​Leader.

Felipe leads projects that combine ​sports and sustainability, creating a ​positive impact on the environment ​and the community.

Colleagues Studying a Project Proposal

TEAM Cripto Bahia

Belchior Souza Data and Web3 ​Leader.

Belchior is the data and Web3 ​technologies specialist, bringing ​technical and innovative insights to ​the community.

Cripto Bahia

Jaque de SouzaFinancial ​Resources Leader Jaque ​manages the financial aspects ​of CriptoBahia, ensuring the ​community’s sustainability ​and efficient growth.

Milena Moraes Leader in ​Integration with African ​Communities.

Milena is dedicated to building ​bridges with African communities ​present in Bahia, emphasizing ​inclusion and cultural diversity at ​the heart of CriptoBahia.

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